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WDM Technology Goes All the Way to the End-user

Las Vegas, September 9 2010 - This Sunday, the WDM-PON forum organizes the first-ever workshop dedicated to the use of multiple colors of light in fiber-optic communication networks targeting end-users. Many leading industry and academic professionals will contribute to the workshop. The usage of multiple colors, referred to as wavelength division multiplexing or WDM, will enable significantly higher bandwidth, more flexibility and lower cost.

Press release
Sep 09, 2010

Modern-day communication networks are based on fiber-optic cables that transmit light. More and more, these networks are closing the last mile to each and every home and business to enable higher bandwidths and more communication services. Commonly referred to as fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) or fiber-to-the-business (FTTB), such networks enable the final step towards a real information society, where information and communication are key to obtaining and maintaining high standards of living and working. 

"The use of multiple colors of light creates a new dimension in fiber-optic networks, " says Bernd Hesse from LG-Ericsson and co-founder of the WDM-PON forum. "This so-called WDM technology has made breakthroughs in long distance communication, and now it is time for such breakthroughs in fiber-to-the-home. The WDM-PON workshop has attracted an extremely interested audience from leading telecommunication companies. It seems everyone is ready to capitalize on the possibilities that this new technology provides."

The workshop organized at the venue of the FTTH Council Conference in Las Vegas will feature invited and contributed presentations as well a panel discussion. "The workshop promises to be very open and interactive," says Stefan Murry from Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. and co-founder of the WDM-PON forum. "The keynote will be given by Joe Savage, president of the FTTH Council North America, and we will have speakers from Cisco, Ericsson, Hitachi, Verizon and other leading industry players." 

About WDM-PON forum

The goal of the WDM-PON forum is to promote the use of multiple colors of light or wavelengths in communication networks targeting end-users. Such wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technologies can provide substantial advantages to future fiber-optic networks that connect homes and businesses to the worldwide communication network. The WDM-PON forum endeavors to advance these technologies as means to provide higher bandwidth, new communication services, lower energy consumption, and cost-effectiveness to next-generation communication networks. The WDM-PON forum was founded by individuals from LG-Ericsson, ADVA Optical Networking, Applied Optoelectronics, Inc., INS Communications and Genexis, and its members are services providers, equipment suppliers, component vendors and analysts.